Spanish NER with Word Representations and Conditional Random Fields


Copara Zea, Jenny Linet and Ochoa Luna, Jose Eduardo and Thorne, Camilo and Glavaš, Goran


Proceedings of the Sixth Named Entity Workshop



Figures & Tables

Table 6: CoNLL2002 Spanish Results. Top: results obtained by us. Middle: results obtained with other CRF-based approaches. Down: current Deep Learning-based state-of-the-art for Spanish NER.
Table 5: CoNLL-2002 Spanish Prototypes.
Figure 1: Linear chain-CRF with word representations as features. The upper nodes are the label sequences, the bottom white nodes are the word features in the model and the filled nodes are the word representations features included in our model.
Table 2: Brown cluster computed from SBW.
Table 3: Binarized embeddings from SBW for word “equipo”.
Table 4: Clustering embeddings from SBW for word “Maria”.
Table 1: Entities in CoNLL-2002 (Spanish).

Table of Contents

  • Abstract
  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Related work
    • 2.1 Spanish NER
    • 2.2 Word Representations
  • 3 Word Representations for Spanish NER
  • 4 Experiments and Discussion
    • 4.1 NER Model
    • 4.2 Baseline Features
    • 4.3 CoNLL 2002 Spanish Corpus
    • 4.4 Word Representations
    • 4.5 Results
    • 4.6 Discussion
  • 5 Conclusions
  • Acknowledgments
  • References


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