Polyglot: Distributed Word Representations for Multilingual NLP


Al-Rfou, Rami and Perozzi, Bryan and Skiena, Steven


Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning



Figures & Tables

Table 2: Statistics of a subset of the languages pro-
Table 6: Accuracy of randomly initialized tagger compared to our results. Using the embed-dings was generally helpful, especially in languages where we did not have many training examples. The scores presented are the best we found for each language (languages with more resources could afford to train longer before overfit--ting).
Table 3: Examples of the nearest five neighbors of every word in several languages. Translation is retrieved from http://translate.google.com.
Table 1: Words nearest neighbors as they appear in the English embeddings.
Table 4: Results of our model against several PoS datasets. The performance is measured using accuracy over the test datasets. Third column represents the total accuracy of the tagger the former two columns reports the accuracy over known words and OOV words (unknown). The results are compared to the
Table 5: Coverage statistics of the embedding’s vocabulary on the part of speech datasets after normalization. Token coverage is the raw percentage of words which were known, while the Word coverage ignores repeated words.
Figure 2: Training and test errors of the French model after 23 days of training. We did not notice any overfitting while training the model. The error curves are smoother the larger the language corpus is.
Figure 1: Neural network architecture. Words are

Table of Contents

  • Abstract
  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Related Work
  • 3 Distributed Word Representation
  • 4 Corpus Preparation
  • 5 Training
  • 6 Qualitative Analysis
  • 7 Sequence Tagging
  • 8 Conclusion
  • Acknowledgments
  • References


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